About GAC
Green Art Center - Prishtina (GAC)
This is the official web site of GAC. All content in this web site is here to encourage you to join our path towards a better and healthier living!
GAC on FaceBook
If you want to join our activities on social media, please support us by liking us on Facebook.
Our official address on facebook is:
Our work matters
Green Art Center - Prishtina (GAC) has implemented several projects and hundreds of activities and actions in the past years.
Most of our projects impacts our daily life.
If you do want to know what we really do, please take some time and learn more about some of our project that we have implemented in these past years.
Since 1993
Green Clubs
Since establishment, GAC has paid a lot of attention towards our brighter future. Thus, during the implementation of our projects we have always promoted the very best of our society, our youth.
Green Clubs are young environmentalist groups of pupils and students in educational institutions, supporting the solution of our environmental issues through their active participation in activities and works, volunteering and contributing to a better environment and a friendlier community for all of us.
Remember to say hi when you meet with them, or better Join!

For job vacancies, internship, calls for expressions of interests, tendering’s and other invitation and possibilities for you, please see our Announcement page!
Thank you #Microsoft for NonProfits for your great donation to GAC. All the amazing tools of #Office365 are a gift to #GAC and all our staff.