Since its establishment, Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC), has implemented hundreds of activities in more than 50 projects. In the years, GAC has proven to be a serious partner and contractor to many institutions, national and international organizations, other civil society organizations, companies, ect.
With the Ecofriend network, contributions from its members, donors and the Founders Fund, GAC has managed to create sustainability for the “Green Clubs” which have been created in educational institutions and are today an important mechanism for environmental education and civic activism in the whole country.
GAC is a reliable partner also to the Kosovar Parliament, and an active member of many national committees. GAC is a friend and advocate of the informal sector active in SWM, and a promoter of human rights in Kosova.
In addition we have been recommended by all our donors and contractors, including, Several municipalities in Kosova, EU office, US embassy in Kosova, GIZ, The Finish embassy in Kosova, The Norwegian Embassy, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, ect.
Please also visit our our social media sites in Facebook and Instagram to see some of our latest activities!

“Strengthening environmental behaviors through the implementation of environmental programs within educational institutions in Kosovo”
The program focuses on capacity building around green clubs’ efforts while encouraging environmentally sound practices and fostering environmental stewardship among youth. The specific objective of this project: Increase and strengthening student’s capacities in order to provide capacity building by involving them in class, school and community-based events. Key Results: -Establishment and strengthening of 30 students “green clubs” within municipalities in Kosovo; -Environmental understanding increased through capacity development on environmental education for at least 750 students of green clubs, 60 teacher and indirect beneficiaries; -Awareness raised on social, cultural, economic, environmental, and political issues that contribute to environment sustainability and responsibility; -A common system of waste separation is functional by introducing recycling and school composting schemes in the premises of up to 30 schools; -Awareness raised on social, cultural, economic, environmental, and political issues that contribute to environment sustainability and responsibility generally; -The establishment and development of green club activities are included in national plans for sustainable development and in budgetary policies at local and central level. Target groups: - 30 green schools in up to 10 municipalities in Kosovo; - At least 750 students member of green clubs and at least 60 school teachers supervisors Indirect Target groups: - All students, parents from green schools - School directors and schools teachers - Local and central institutions - Public/ private companies engaged into recyclable collection.. Donors to the action: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ GmbH) through the project “Sustainable Municipal Services (Waste Management)” (SMS). Lead Manager or Partner: Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC) Project implementation partners and/or benefitiaries: Municipality of Gjakova, Drenas, Prishtina, Malisheva, Deçan, Klina, Istog, Skenderaj, Vushtrri and Lipjan. Implementation period: September 2022 – 2023

“Empowerment of high school students in the field of climate change and the environment””
NGO Green Art Center Prishtina is a beneficiary of the "Youth Environmental Impact" (YENI) project. GAC participated in the workshop organized by the Swiss Caritas. In this workshop, GAC presented the organizational structure and operation of the organization, the components of the scope, the projects carried out so far as well as the current project that will be implemented entitled "Empowerment of high school students in the field of climate change and the environment" co-financed by the Agency Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development, Swiss Caritas and the Ministry of Regional Development. The overall objective of the project focuses on increasing awareness, skills, capacities and interventions on climate change and environmental issues by supporting selected high school youth in the Central Region of Kosovo to take sustainable action against climate change at the local level.

GAC / Tourism, cultural heritage & Environment
“Eco-Tourism Routes in the Cross-Border Area for the Promotion of Alternative Tourism (ECO-ROUTES)”
A Cross-border programe Albania – Kosovo under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II) funded projekt, in the Lot 2 – (SO 2) Tourism, cultural, and natural heritage is valorised as a way to promote the economic development of the area.
Objectives of the action
The overall objective is “to contribute to the promotion of sustainable development growth and attractiveness of the Kukës – Rahovec areas so as to make better use of their tourism potentials in pursuing regional development and facilitating cross border cooperation while promoting eco-tourism routes across both areas as natural & cultural corridors”.
Specific objective:
1. renew and expand the tourist offer, highlighting natural and cultural routes and, promoting remote villages that have an extended natural and historical and cultural heritage;
2. deepen the natural and cultural heritage, emphasizing the characteristics of authenticity, beauty and uniqueness of the territory;
3. improve access to information to the hikers and the visitors of the area, offering complete and accurate digital information about the paths, the conditions and the necessary equipment for the hikers or the visitors;
4. enhancement of human resources’ expertise on subjects corresponding to environmentally friendly development of tourism and boost local craftwork, with particular emphasis for women entrepreneurship;
5. develop cooperation networks among companies & institutions in the tourist sector for exchange of know-how & shaping of common tourist destinations and products.
Lead applicant: Municipality of Kukës,
Partners: URI, GAC, Municipality of Rahovec
Implementation period:

GAC / Environmental education & Waste management
“Development of Green Education Program in local level ”
A GIZ funded project implemented by Green Art Center – Prishtina, supporting municipalities in the Republic of Kosova on enforcing the waste managment system in municipalities and strengthening environmental community in educational institutions.Project Overall Objective:
· Strengthening environmental community attitudes through sustainable education.
Project Specific Objectives:
· Increase the participation of young people and society in environmental activities;
· Strengthening the active citizenship in the process of environmental protection;
· The creation of implementable model for the initiation and implementation of waste reduction program in educational institutions in 10 municipalities in Kosovo;
Key Results:
· Increasing capacities of 3000 students-new members of green clubs, 100 teachers in the respective Municipalities;
· Creation of a common system of waste separation and waste management in the spaces of schools;
· Extension the number of Green Clubs into municipalities involved in the process aiming to increase the participation of active citizenship;
· Awareness and empowerment of active citizenship in the process of environmental protection.
Donors to the action:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Lead Manager or Partner:
Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC)
Project implementation partners and/or benefitiaries:
Municipality of Mitrovica,Vushtri, Drenas,Gjakova,Fushe Kosova, Ferizaj, Kamenice, Lipjan, Obiliq and Prizren
Implementation period:

GAC / Environmental education & Waste management
Extention of the waste separation at source pilots in 7 municipalities in Kosovo, Phase II
A BMZ funded project implemented by Green Art Center – Prishtina, supporting municipalities in the Republic of Kosova on enforcing the waste managment system in municipalities and strengthening environmental community in educational institutions.Project Overall Objective:
· Strengthening the recycable solid waste colection system in municipalities of Kosova.
Key Results:
· Increased awareness on waste separation;
· Increased amounts of separated recyclables;
· Enhanced capacities of the municipalities for implementation of objective into municipal waste management plas,and scale-up of separation at source project ;
· Sustainability of the separation model;
· Improved integration of informal waste collectors.
Project activities:
· Advisory;
· Recycling infrastructure;
· Public awareness campaign;
· Capacity development;
· Monitoring the entire recycling process.
Target groups:
Local communities;
Vulnerable and marginalised groups in Kosovo;
Public utility companies.
Donors to the action:
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Lead Manager or Partner:
Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC)
Project implementation partners and/or benefitiaries:
Municipality of Prishtina, Fushe Kosova, Gjakova, Drenas, Vushtrri, South Mitrovica and Prizren
Implementation period:
27.05.2019- 27.12.2019

GAC / Environmental education & Waste management
“Green Education Program- Implementation of environmental education program in educational institutions at national level ”
Project Overall Objective:
· Increase public Awareness regards environmental protection .
Key Results:
· Capacity building of teaching staff in educational institutions;
· Building and capacity building in 70 established green clubs, with a total of 3000 school students.
Project activities:
· Activities for raising the level of education and environmental awareness;
· Activities for the promotion of ideas and competitions for a cleaner and greener environment and the protection and promotion of natural resources and their cultivation;
· Community activities to promote sustainable environmental development.
Target groups:
Pubic educational instritutions;
70 educational institutions;
3000 students from elementary schools ,secondary schools and universities;
70 teachers & lecturers.
Donors to the action:
Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Kosova.
Lead Manager or Partner:
Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC)
Project implementation partners and/or benefitiaries:
Municipality of Mitrovica, Vushtrri, Prizren, Drenas, Prishtina, Fushë Kosova and Gjakova.
Implementation period:

GAC / Environmental education & Waste management
Development and implementation of the awareness raising campaign “Ruje mos e Gjuj”
A Coca Cola funded project designed and implementet by GACProject Overall Objective:
· Institutional support for extention of the implementation of recyclable waste separation at source reform.
Key Results:
· 6 private universities are included into separation at source of recyclables and provided with infrastructure for recycling;
· 500 families in Vushtri Municipalities are provided with infrastructure for separation at source;
· 300 students receive training regard environmental protection;
· 45 tons of recyclable material was collected and provided to recycling industry.
Project activities:
· Development of waste recycling campaign;
· Increase capacity buildings through trainings in private university institutions;
· Public information in the community;
· Increase possibilities for income generation for package social center in Vushtrri.
Target groups:
Private Universities;
Private recycling collectors;
500 households in Vushtri Municipality;
Wider community.
Donors to the action:
Coca Cola HBC, PR Solution in partnership with Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Kosova MEPS and Municipalities.
Lead Manager or Partner:
Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC)
Project implementation partners and/or benefitiaries:
Municipality of Prishtina and Vushtrri.
Implementation period:

GAC / Institutional support and capacity building & Waste management
“Reorganization of service and Expansion of basic waste management service in Vushtrri municipality”
A municipal funded project implementet by GACProject Overall Objective:
· Extending the service at the territorial level and increasing the performance of the municipality in improving the waste management sector.
Key Results:
· Extension of basic services provided from 40 % of coverage to 100% coverage with basic services in Municipal territory;
· 12 collection points constructed;
· 4500 households included into basic services;
· Increase the income generation for service provider.
Project activities:
· Preparation of plans for reorganization of Municipal waste management service;
· Provide infrastructure with Municipal support for 4500 families in Vushtri Municipality;
· Construction and esthetic beatification of collection point in the city center;
· Meetings with citizens and promotion to accept the municipality reform on basic services.
Target groups:
4500 household in Vushtri Municipality;
Public utility company.
Donors to the action:
Municipality of Vushtrri
Lead Manager or Partner:
Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC)
Project implementation partners and/or benefitiaries:
Municipality of Vushtrri and Public utility company Uniteti.
Implementation period:
01.10.2018 – 01.03.2019

GAC / Institutional support and capacity building & Waste management
Preparation phase for implementation of the waste separation at source pilots in 7 municipalities in Kosovo, Phase I
A GIZ funded project implementet by GAC in 7 municipalities.Project Overall Objective:
· Institutional technical support for the development, preparation and implementation of the plan for the start of waste separation at source reform.
Key Results:
· Increased awareness on waste separation;
· Increased amounts of separated recyclables;
· Enhanced capacities of the municipalities for implementation and scale-up;
· Sustainability of the separation model;
· Market analyze;
· Improved integration of informal waste collectors.
Project activities:
· Public awareness campaign;
· Advisory;
· Capacity development;
· Monitoring.
Target groups:
Local communities;
Vulnerable and marginalized groups in Kosovo;
Public utility companies.
Donors to the action:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Lead Manager or Partner:
Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC)
Project implementation partners and/or benefitiaries:
Municipality of Prishtina, Fushe Kosova, Gjakova, Drenas, Vushtrri, South Mitrovica and Prizren.
Implementation period:
04.02.2019 – 04.05.2019

GAC / Institutional support and capacity building & Waste management
“Home composting in Fushe Kosova Municipality”
A municipal funded project implementet by GAC.Project Overall Objective:
· Develop a compressive strategy for separation at source of organic waste in Fushe Kosova Municipality.
Key Results:
· Preparation of plans for set up municipal system of separation at source of organic fraction though home composting;
· Development of awareness raising campaign into the community;
· Procure and provide infrastructure for home composting bins for 2000 households in Fushe Kosova Villages.
-monitor the performance of the systemProject activities:
· Public awareness campaign in 5 institutions and in 10000 citizens of Fushe Kosova villages;
· 2000 household are provided with infrastructure for the produce of organic soil;
· Advisory support on preparation of plans;
· Capacity development at municipal level;
· Monitoring and reporting the reduce of quantity of waste separated.
Target groups:
Local communities;
2000 hoseholds;
Public utility companies.
Donors to the action:
Municipality of Fushe Kosova
Lead Manager or Partner:
Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC)
Project implementation partners and/or benefitiaries:
Municipality of Fushe Kosova
Implementation period:
01.04.2018 – 01.11.2019

GAC / Professional services & Waste management
“Verification and categorization of households and businesses on the reception of solid waste management services”
A GIZ contracted service implementet by GAC.Project Overall Objective:
· Preparation of real/up to date database in municipalities to compile the list of customers in the service of waste collection.
Key Results:
· Number of the households and businesses active or inactive, receiving or not receiving SWM services in target municipalities verified and mapped;
· Database built(My maps; Drenas, Decan, Fushe Kosova,Gjakova,Mitrovica,Vushtri);
· Monitoring of the collection and amounts of recyclables collected by the public utility companies functional through the development of Forms Application.
Project activities:
· Data collection;
· Implementation of IT-tools;
· Database creation;
· Capacity building at municipal level;
· Monitoring.
Target groups:
Public utility companies.
Donors to the action:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Lead Manager or Partner:
Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC)
Project implementation partners and/or benefitiaries:
Municipality of Pristina, Fushe Kosova, Gjakova, Drenas, Vushtrri, South Mitrovica & Prizren.
Implementation period:

GAC / Environmental education & Green Clubs
“Go Green Generation”
A BMZ funded project implemented by Green Art Center – Prishtina.Project Overall Objective:
· Increasing awareness on environmental protection through Green Clubs in schools.
Key Results:
· Increased participation of youth and increased civic accountability in environmental protection;
· 150 “Green Clubs” in elementary and secondary schools established and practicing 3R program.
Project activities:
· Youth education;
· Public awareness campaign.
Target groups:
Local and central institutions/PUC;
General public.
Donors to the action:
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Lead Manager or Partner:
Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC)
Project implementation partners and/or benefitiaries:
Municipality of Prishtina, Fushe Kosova, Gjakova, Drenas, Vushtrri, South Mitrovica, Prizren, Kamenica, Obiliq & Ferizaj.
Implementation period:

GAC / Environmental education & Green Clubs
“Greener Environment for a healthy society”
A US Embassy funded project implemented by Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC).Project Overall Objective:
· Strengthening institutional mechanisms to improve the environment in Kosovo.
Key Results:
· Sensibilization of the society about the impact of the environment on human health;
· Identification of environmental problems in the municipality of Pristina and Gjilan;
· A stronger and more active citizenship in the process of Environmental Protection.
Project activities:
· Public Education;
· Increase of capacities of Youth Leaders in Prishtina and Gjilan Municipality;
· Monitoring of the environmental situation in the municipality of Pristina and Gjilan;
· The creation of a database on environmental issues that directly affect the health of citizens;
· Awareness activities.
Target groups:
Wider communities.
Donors to the action:
US Embassy in Kosova.
Lead Manager or Partner:
Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC)
Project implementation partners and/or benefitiaries:
Municipality of Prishtina & Gjilan.
Implementation period:

GAC / Waste managment & Integration of informal waste collectors
“Less waste- more Jobs”
A BMZ funded project implemented by Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC).Project Overall Objective:
· Institutional technical support for the development, preparation and implementation of the plan for the start of waste separation at source reform.
Key Results:
· Preparation of waste management plans and separation at source plans for local institutions in Kosovo, enhanced capacities of the municipalities for implementation and scale-up;
· Sustainability of the separation model;
· Market analyze, improved integration of informal waste collectors;
· ncreased awareness on waste separation.
Project activities:
· Public awareness campaign;
· Advisory;
· Capacity development;
· Monitoring.
Target groups:
Local communities;
Vulnerable and marginalized groups in Kosovo;
Public utility companies;
Private companies.
Donors to the action:
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Lead Manager or Partner:
Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC)
Project implementation partners and/or benefitiaries:
Municipality of Prishtina, Fushe-Kosova, Gjakova, Drenas, Vushtrri, South and North Mitrovica & Prizren.
Implementation period:

GAC / Waste managment & Integration of informal waste collectors
“Strengthening social inclusion and economic empowerment of marginalized groups in Mitrovica”
A DRC & EU funded project implemented by Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC).Project Overall Objective:
· Strengthening social inclusion and economic empowerment of marginalized groups in Mitrovica by supporting dhe social company for solid waste recycling.
Key Results:
· Increase the participation community in the recycling process;
· Creation of implementable model of collection of recycle waste by marginalized groups;
· Improve conditions of collection to informal sector;
· Strengthening the active citizenship in the process of environmental protection.
Project activities:
· Youth education;
· Public awareness campaign;
· Public awareness campaign;
· Advisory;
· Capacity development;
· Monitoring.
Target groups:
Public utility companies;
Informal sector and informal waste collectors.
Donors to the action:
Danish Refugee Council-DRC & European Union.
Lead Manager or Partner:
Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC)
Project implementation partners and/or benefitiaries:
Municipality of Prishtina, Fushe-Kosova, Gjakova, Drenas, Vushtrri, South and North Mitrovica & Prizren.
Implementation period:
01.12.2015- 01.04.2016

GAC / Eco turism & Environmental education
“Promoting the Kosovo Traditional Eco Culture”
A MDRK funded project implemented by Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC).Project Overall Objective:
· Promoting the Kosovo Traditional Eco Culture.
Key Results:
· Production of the Video Documentary for the promotion of Kosovo traditions;
· Presentation of the material in the public media in Kosovo.
Project activities:
· Youth education;
· Public awareness campaign;
· Capacity building.
Target groups:
Local community;
Donors to the action:
Ministry of Diaspora, Republic of Kosovo.
Lead Manager or Partner:
Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC)
Project implementation partners and/or benefitiaries:
Republic of Kosovo, Ministry of Diaspora.
Implementation period:
01.06.2014- 30.07.2014

GAC / Composting & Environmental education
“Neighborhood Compost”
A GIZ funded project implemented by Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC).Project Overall Objective:
· Introduction of neighborhood composts and public collaboration.
Key Results:
· Decreased amount of organic waste in Pristina landfills;
· Improved soil quality for use in municipal projects, community garden and potted plants;
· Increased knowledge of environmental sustainability and organic recyclables;
· Enhanced community relations between municipality, schools and residents;
· Opportunity for residents to engage in volunteerism activities.
Project activities:
· Youth education;
· Public awareness campaign.
Target groups:
Local community;
Donors to the action:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
Lead Manager or Partner:
Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC)
Project implementation partners and/or benefitiaries:
Monicipality of Prishtina;
Hortikultura PC.
Implementation period:

GAC / Environmental education & Capacity building
“I want Art”
A Innovation LAB funded project implemented by Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC).Project Overall Objective:
· Promotion of the potential of you people with Down syndrome in arts and creativity.
Key Results:
· Raising awareness of the society on the potential and the artistic creativity of young people with Down syndrome;
· Advance the integration and promotion of equal opportunities versus diversity;
· Capacity building through workshops, recreational and leisure activities;
· Promotion of the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) concept.
Project activities:
· Youth education;
· Creativity with reuse art;
· New creative talent practice.
Target groups:
Local community;
Young people with Down syndrome.
Donors to the action:
Innovation Lab, EU, Ministri of Culture, Youth and Sports of Republic of Kosova.
Lead Manager or Partner:
Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC).
Project implementation partners and/or benefitiaries:
Down Syndrome Kosova (DSK).
Implementation period:

GAC / Environmental education & 3R
“Celebration of 15 anniversary of German Cooperation”
A GIZ contracted service implemented by Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC).Project Overall Objective:
· Promotion of Kosovar – German collaboration in the 15th anniversary of German Cooperation in Kosova.
Key Results:
· Initiation of the separation process in 9 institutions;
· 6870 questionaries’ fully completed;
· Data for the preparation of the action plan and strategy for waste separation in Pristina;
· 10 awareness activities executed in the city centre; 3 TV shows treated the activities.
Project activities:
· Raise the awareness of citizens in Kosovo about the importance of waste separation to the protection of environment and improvement of economy in the country;
· Stimulating the youth to contribute in the protection of environment and to promote the art of recycling;
· Informing the public opinion about the importance and possibility to use needless objects in function of society;
· Promoting GIZ work in the field of waste management in Kosovo;
· Promotion of the 3R concept (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle).
Target groups:
Donors to the action:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
Lead Manager or Partner:
Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC).
Project implementation partners and/or benefitiaries:
Monicipality of Prishtina & Prizren;
Akademia Evolucion.
Implementation period:

GAC / Environmental education & Green Clubs
“Green Education”
A US embassy funded project implemented by Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC).Project Overall Objective:
· Establishing green clubs in public schools in Fushe Kosova and Obiliq.
Key Results:
· Increased participation of young people and society in environmental activities;
· Strengthening of active citizenship in the process of environmental protection;
· Creation of an implementational model for the initiation and implementation of a program to reduce, re-use and recycling in the elementary schools in Fushe Kosova & Obiliq.
Project activities:
· Increase of Capacities of students and teachers in 5 elementary schools which are 3 elementary schools in Obiliq and 2 elementary schools in Fushe Kosova Municipality;
· Create a common system of waste division and management in schools premises;
· Establishing of young volunteers association “Green Club” on increasing the participation of active citizenship and identification of needS;
· Raising the awareness and encourage the active citizenship in the process of Environmental Protection.
Target groups:
Donors to the action:
US Embassy in Prishtina.
Lead Manager or Partner:
Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC).
Project implementation partners and/or benefitiaries:
Monicipality of Fushe Kosova & Obiliq;
Implementation period:

GAC / Environmental education & Green Clubs
“I Think Green”
A FLC funded project implemented by Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC).Project Overall Objective:
· Establishing green clubs in public schools in and creating sustainable model of green clubs within public education institutions.
Key Results:
· Expand the waste separation process and recycling to over 30 private and public companies and institutions;
· Organise the proper disposal of the recyclable waste with recycling companies;
· Reduce the amount of waste is currently disposed in the Land Fields;
· Provide the “green clubs” with the income generation mechanism with “waste-to-money” process;
· Build up capacities on waste separation and environmental education for “Green Clubs.
Project activities:
· Increasing of Capacities of 10953 students and 519 teachers in 10 elementary schools in Pristina Municipality;
· Creation of a common system in division and managing of waste in schools premises;
· Establishing of young volunteers association “ Green Club Pristina” on increasing the participation of active citizenship and identification of needs;
· Increasing the awareness on Reduce-Reuse-Recycle culture in society;
· Awareness raising and empowerment of active citizenship in process of Environment Protection.
Target groups:
Green Clubs;
Public utility companies;
Donors to the action:
Fund for Local Cooperation-Embassy of Finland.
Lead Manager or Partner:
Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC).
Project implementation partners and/or benefitiaries:
Monicipality of Prishtina.
Implementation period:

GAC / Informal waste collectors & Green Clubs
A FLC funded project implemented by Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC).Project Overall Objective:
· Establishing green clubs in public schools in and creating sustainable model of green clubs within public education institutions.
Key Results:
· Expand the waste separation process and recycling to over 30 private and public companies and institutions;
· Organise the proper disposal of the recyclable waste with recycling companies;
· Reduce the amount of waste is currently disposed in the Land Fields;
· Provide the “green clubs” with the income generation mechanism with “waste-to-money” process;
· Build up capacities on waste separation and environmental education for “Green Clubs.
Project activities:
· Practicing waste separation. recycle companies achieved economic growth through involvement of recyclable waste;
· Halving of the quantity of general waste;
· Monitoring;
· The creation of active Green Clubs.
Target groups:
Green Clubs;
Public utility companies;
Donors to the action:
Fund for Local Cooperation-Embassy of Finland.
Lead Manager or Partner:
Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC).
Project implementation partners and/or benefitiaries:
Monicipality of Prishtina.
Implementation period:

GAC / Waste managment & Green Clubs
“Pristina and Gjilan recycles”
A GIZ funded project implemented by Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC).Project Overall Objective:
· Introduction of recycling in Prishtina and Gjilan & Establishing green clubs in public schools in and creating sustainable model of green clubs within public education institutions.
Key Results:
· Capacity Building for the Local Government;
· Development and implementation of strategy for waste management in schools and institutions;
· Increased participation of young people and society in environmental decision making;
· Strengthening of active citizenship in the process of environmental protection;
· Implementation of a reduce and waste recycle program for 51995 stakeholders (elementary schools and municipal institutions ;
· Awareness of students, teachers and society on the importance of waste reduction process ;
· Creation of the sustainability mechanism for green clubs (Eco Friend).
Project activities:
· Supporting the participation of young people and society in environmental decision making;
· Promotion of active citizenship in the process of environmental protection.
Target groups:
Green Clubs;
Public utility companies;
Donors to the action:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH;
Municipality of Pristina;
Municipality of Gjilan.
Lead Manager or Partner:
Green Art Center – Prishtina (GAC).
Project implementation partners and/or benefitiaries:
Monicipality of Prishtina & Gjilan.
Implementation period: